10 November 2007

Stately Homes

While on a week off work I visited Lacock and Kingston Lacy, two English manor houses, the former being the home on Henry Fox-Talbot, the man who invented the negative. I had all sorts of trouble that week trying to avoid building works that seemed to be going on everywhere, Corfe castle was a complete blowout as the scaffolding surrounding it completely spoiled any photo opportunities. The shots below are probably the best of the bunch.

Lacock Abbey | RB67, 50mm prime | HP5+, Diafine

Kingston Lacy | RB67, 180mm prime | HP5+, Diafine

Lacock Abbey | Lith print

The lith print was taken on Kodak T-max, a film I have never tried before, I was quite impressed with the results I got but its was a little flat for traditional printing, however I think it works really well with the lith process. The above print is still WIP as I ran out of paper and probably wont get any more until around Christmas. When I get around to re-printing this I'm going to tidy up the cropping and maybe see if I can get a little more contrast out of it.

The other shots from my week in Dorset can be seen here


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