20 December 2006

The Folly

The tower in Pontypool Park was probably built in the early 18th century, by the Hanbury family. In the latter part of the 18th century it was used as a summer house and later a gazebo.

Its prominent position commands striking views across the Black Mountains, Severn valley and over to Somerset, and it is in turn very visible from far and wide. It is this high level of visibility which turned out to be the tower's downfall in 1940 at which time it was demolished to prevent it being used as a reference point for German bombers.

It was rebuilt in the early 1990s.

Mamiya RB67 Pro S, 50mm Prime. Ilford Pan F scanned on Epson 4490.

Mamiya RB67 Pro S, 50mm Prime. Ilford Pan F scanned on Epson 4490.

Mamiya RB67 Pro S, 50mm Prime. Ilford Pan F scanned on Epson 4490.

Here is the link to the rest of my photos from the Folly.

18 December 2006

Kymin Forest

I visited the Kymin in Monmouth on the weekend with the intention of getting some shots in the woods which are in the grounds of this National Trust site. The shots below are the best three from the roll I shot there. This was the first time I have shot either of my Mamiya lenses wide open consistently, trying to separate the subjects from the messy background that is a forest.

Mamiya RB67 Pro S, 50mm Prime. Ilford Pan F+, scanned on Epson 4490.

Mamiya RB67 Pro S, 90mm Prime. Ilford Pan F+, scanned on Epson 4490.

Mamiya RB67 Pro S, 50mm Prime. Ilford Pan F+, scanned on Epson 4490.

Here is the link to the gallery on my website that has the rest of the shots I've taken at the Kymin.